Integrative Flow I – Basics

Duration: 75 mins

Difficulty Level: Open to all

Integrative Flow I – The Basics

Integrative Flow I (The Basics) focuses on the fundamentals of alignment of posture and breath and is more suitable for beginners.

Integrative Yoga is a form of Hatha Yoga best described as “meditation in movement”: the fluidity, softness and natural yielding it encourages, leads to lightness of body and stillness of mind.

This practice will teach you how to free the spine and find ease, fluidity and depth in your movement. Your flexibility and back-bending ability will grow as you awaken the fullest potential of your spine. You will learn how to strengthen your core and work with the energetic body through the breath.

A “Philosophy-in-Form”, it harmonizes the body, breath, mind, emotions and intellect through its integration with Yin Yoga, Qi Gong, breathing practices, Yogic Kriyas, mindfulness, meditation, deep relaxation and philosophy.

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