Yogshakti brings to you for the first time….
Online Course – You May Begin Anytime
Restful sleep is vital for our total wellbeing. Breathing less and conserving life force/qi /prana, is the common link between the buteyko method and Yoga. The inability to sleep well is related to a tensed body, over thinking and over breathing. In these series of online sessions, you will learn how to use *Yin Yoga integrated with Yogic and Buteyko breathing principles to sleep restfully and begin the art of conscious rest!
These sessions will enable you to build a simple daily self-practice of Yoga combined with breathing techniques that will result in:
• Deeper and more restful sleep
• Improved flexibility
• Reduction in physical & mental tension
• Greater Mental clarity
• Improved concentration
• Improved energy and alertness
• Inner Calm and emotional stability
• Greater resilience to stress
• Silencing the mind and the ability to meditate
Each one and a half hour sessions will explore:
1. Yogic Breathing Techniques and Sleep
2. Buteyko Breathing & Sleep
3. Yin Yoga with Meridian Flows – Understanding how the practice helps our organs and how organ health is related to our emotions
4. Mindfulness
5. Meditation
By the end of the course you will have the confidence to practice on your own.
*Yin Yoga is a style of yoga, which will, with regular practice bring about flexibility more than any other style of yoga as it targets deep connective tissue, such as cartilage, tendons, ligaments and fascia. The main ingredients of this practice are- relaxation of the body and the length of time the posture is held. When combined with the Buteyko method it yields powerful results.