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Private Classes

Do you prefer to practice in the privacy of your own home, are you a group of friends who would like to practice together or would you like to organise a yoga class in your condominium or at your work?

Private Classes are convenient and allows flexibility if you have a busy or irregular schedule that makes it difficult to attend our regular classes. They also enable you to work more effectively with specific objectives or challenges that you may have in your practice.

At Yogshakti we have a great team of qualified Yoga Instructors who would love to share their practice with you! We can also deliver private group classes in our beautiful Yoga oasis in the heart of KL, subject to available space in between our regular classes.

Check out our class descriptions for an overview of the type of classes and instruction we provide.

Prices for Private Classes depend on number and frequency of lessons, location and advance payment options. Contact us at hello@yogshakti.com to enquire about our Private Classes.

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