200-Hour Teacher Training

Module 1: 21st Jun – 20th Jul 2025
Module 2: 8th Nov – 14th Dec 2025
8am to 4pm (weekendes only)

Full Time Training

Full In-Person

(Attend ALL classes in-person and get lifetime online video access)

Part Time Training

Part In-Person + Part Online

(Attend 15 weekend days in-person and get lifetime online video access)

Our Integrative Yoga training encourages personal growth in your quest to teach and to deepen your self-practice.

Integrative Yoga is a form of Hatha Yoga which is a synthesis of the teachings of the Himalayan tradition of Swami Rama, the Intuitive Yoga of spinal freedom inspired by Vanda Scaravelli, Taoist Yin Yoga, the Zen Mindfulness teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh and the philosophy of non-dualism of Advaita Vedanta. Integrated into the teachings are special kriyas, bandhas and breath work to provide a system that is well rounded and holistic.

Integrative Yoga can be best described as “meditation in movement” cultivating lightness in body, stillness of mind and the experience of innate bliss and freedom that is ever present. Our 200 Hours Foundation Level course will not only enable you to deepen your own practice and lead to self transformation, but also create a firm foundation for you to lead your students into the state of silence & stillness that will be most rewarding & fulfilling.

We are an officially Registered Yoga School with the Yoga Alliance USA. (www.yogaalliance.org).

Our Teacher Training Course Consists of 3 Modules:

Module 1


21 Jun – 20 Jul 2025
(weekends only)


Hatha Yoga Asana Fundamentals

Kriyas, Pranayama

Mindfulness & the Hara

Module 2


8 – 30 Nov 2025
(weekends only)


Yin Yoga & the Meridians

Integrating Yang Yoga with Yin Yoga

Anatomy & Physiology

Module 3


6 – 14 Dec 2025
(weekends only)


Yoga Nidra



NOTE: You may complete all thress modules or attend selective modules.

Course Details:

More Details On The Courses:

• Mindfulness Is the heart of Integrative Yoga Teacher Training Program. It is an integral part of each module listed below. True self- transformation is possible only through training the mind. You will learn how to integrate Mindfulness into your yoga practice and daily life. Through practical guidance, you will be able to embrace mindfulness and bloom in it’s practice.

• The Hara- Center of Being and Qi Gong The Hara is the seat of internal awareness and the storehouse of energy. It is the center of gravity in the body from which all movement arises. We will begin by learning how to connect to the Hara through breathing practices and asanas.

• Kriyas Kriyas are ancient yogic techniques that cleanse, energize and invigorate the body. You will learn how to integrate them into asanas. Kriyas will prepare you for Pranayama and Meditation.

• The Buteyko Method There is a strong link between prana and carbon-dioxide. This method will provide a clearer understanding of pranayama and how the breath links the body and mind. The Buteyko Method scientifically proves the concept of breathing less which Yogis long before, discovered. For Yoga teachers this information is vital, as it will equip you in help students with issues of over-breathing and dissipation of prana. We recommend you attend a Buteyko Workshop, ours or one accessible to you, either before or after the Teacher training.

• Scaravelli Inspired Spinal Eclectic Yoga This revolutionary spine centered practice, inspired by Vanda Scaravelli, will teach you how to yield to the natural intelligence of the body and free the spine to find ease, fluidity and depth in your movement. Your flexibility and back bending ability will grow as you awaken the fullest potential of your spine. You will learn how to strengthen your core and work with the energetic body through the breath. Finding balance through the polarities and undoing tension will turn your asanas into an effortless meditative ‘dance’.

• Study of Chakras and Functional Anatomy In addition to studying anatomy of the physical body, we will also explore the anatomy and physiology of the chakras and nadis. Anatomy taught will be practical, relevant and functional. You will also study – benefits, contraindications, modifications and healthy movement patterns.

• Yin Yoga & Meridians The long held postures in Yin yoga, apply moderate stress to the connective tissues, tendons, fascia and ligaments, elevating joint circulation and improving flexibility. In this module, you will learn specific yin routines to improve hip flexibility, organ health, immunity and emotional well-being.

• Meridians Are energy pathways through which vital force/prana/qi travel. Yin poses are designed to improve this flow through the meridian pathways of the body. You will study the main meridians and how they affect of the major organs of the body such as the kidneys, urinary bladder, liver, gall bladder, heart, small intestines, lungs and large intestines. You will also study how mental and emotional health is related to the flow of vital force through the meridians.

• Yoga Nidra & Meditation These are the deeper and subtler practices of Yoga. Belonging to the 5th, 6th and 7th rungs on the 8 limbed path of Yoga – of Sensory withdrawal (pratyahara), Concentration (dharana) and Meditation (dhyana). This allows the student to build a strong foundation in understanding the power of silence. Yoga Nidra is a state of consciousness, where the brain produces delta waves as in deep sleep, yet one remains fully conscious. This state of deep psychic relaxation can induce: creativity, healing, awaken intuition, help with problem solving and gaining deeper insights. In this training, Yoga Nidra from the Himalayan tradition and the Bihar School of Yoga will be taught. We will also explore different ways to enter the state of Meditation, from concentration, mindfulness, the use of mantra and Self–enquiry.

• Philosophy Yoga aims, on an experiential level, of the oneness and unity of all things in phenomena. This happens through a threefold process in Vedanta called: Shravana-listening with a quiet mind; Manana-the process of contemplation and understanding and lastly, Niddhidyasana-the ultimate realization of this unity. We will dissect the concept of Non-dualism, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the teachings of modern day spiritual masters. These well-curated teachings of: philosophy, asanas, pranayama, meditation and mindfulness are means for the student to embark on powerful journey towards liberation, that is Yoga.

Course Manuals

The 200 Hours Course Material is covered in our 5 manuals:
1. The Practice Manual
2. Principles of Practice
3. The Science Of Breath
4. Philosophy
5. Integrative Practice Routines

(These manuals are included in the course fee)

You will require all 5 manuals for the Training Program. These 5 manuals are available for purchase at Yogshakti.

We recommend 2 more books:

1. Yin Yoga – Title: Insight Yoga by Sarah Powers.
This book may be purchased either at Kinokuniya book store, KLCC or online through Amazon or Book Depository
2. An Introduction to Anatomy, Physiology and Movement of the Human Body by Maria Robinson.
To purchase the PDF copy of the book, kindly email mariagrol@gmail.com

For more information, kindly contact +6012-2511857 or email hello@yogshakti.com

The Teacher

Our Teacher Training Testimonials

Chung Lynn
Clemence Lejeune
Sue Ferbert Piti
Nicole Lee
Clemence Lejeune

Azlin Ahmad

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – 2021
Never in a million years did I think I could do this. Until, I did. What started off as an informal flexibility challenge transformed into an almost addictive routine. I started yoga seriously in January this year and after a few delays due to covid closures, here we are.
200 hours of classes, dozens of hours of self practise, lots of guidance, and a wonderful supportive environment at Yogshakti.
Not to mention my very experienced and thorough yoga teacher Shilpa Ghatalia who helped me achieve the almost impossible, mentally, emotionally and physically One of the highlights of my 2021!

Chee Hwee Tzi

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – 2020

The 200 hours YTT exceeded my expectations and completely changed my perception of yoga. The course helped me learn to appreciate yoga in a holistic way, beyond just the physical asanas. I learnt a lot on the mat but I think I learnt even more off the mat! Shilpa is a wonderful teacher and I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn from her.

Yap Yi Shian

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – 2020

The course was excellent and changed my perceptions and views of yoga. Qi Gong and Hara connection are wonderful tools to enhance my asana practices. Kriyas are also like boosters to warm up my body. The soothing Yoga Nidra calmed and refreshed me for the entire day.

I’m grateful that I got to learn Yin yoga and now I like Yin yoga as much as Hatha yoga. Mindfulness helped me to gain a more peaceful mind and confidence to become a yoga teacher. I love the non-judgment and non-attachment principles; However, by stepping out from the habitual lifestyles, we can actually see and find our true self and live our lives to the fullest, and not just go after the so-called ‘perfect’ life. This is also one kind of self-love, to love ourselves and gradually to extend our love to other beings in this world. Thank you Shilpa!

Licia Ee Shih Ling

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – 2020

My friend once told me that there is nowhere else to be other than Yogshakti and he was right. My 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training at Yogshakti has changed my body and my mind. My perspective in life has change and I am more peaceful, joyful and most importantly, I am better in my communication (husband says so).

I would like to thank Shilpa whose commitment to teaching in a truly relaxed, warm and caring atmosphere. My 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training with Shilpa at Yogshakti was truly life changing and life affirming.

Norliza Binti Razool Khan

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – 2020

It has truly been an amazing journey for me, one that I never expected to take in my life path. It has been a miracle! Every step of the course has also made me feel as if I was pushed to embark and persevere by my late father’s spirit – which has also led me to contemplate the ultimate purpose and meaning of my life. I am now resolved to work at the practices and move forward with peace, calm and joy.

Jazlene Teh

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – 2020

This 200-hour experience was unforgettable! It was so powerful and it brought me so much joy! I would like to say it was truly a blessing that I chose Yogshakti and to be your student! This course has been one of the most wonderful experiences along my Yoga journey! You made me feel comfortable and at ease and you took care of all of us so so well. You’re so selfless that I wish to go to your class every day. Actually, on the first day when I reached the studio, I felt like I had arrived at a place which I have known before (however, it was the first time I came to Yogshakti) and now I know why. Thank you for being a role model to me and for giving all of us the confidence to share & to teach. You listen from the bottom of your heart with no judgment. I am now looking forward to my journey forward and wish I could be back to Yogshakti very soon. I will probably come back for 300h TTC course! Plus, can’t wait to start my teacher journey now!

Stephanie Schellenberg

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – May 2019

My experience at Yogshakti´s teacher training course was absolutely incredible. While I thought I was going to learn how to do all the postures and teach asanas, I soon learned that there was so much more to this course. It is truly a full package for the body, mind and soul, a treat to the self in every possible way. The course doesn’t just take you through the fundamentals of yoga in theory and practice, but also provides a comforting space for sharing and self-discovery. Though it is not easy to put Yogshakti’s TTC into a few words, I can wholeheartedly say that it was an extraordinary experience like no other. Trying to put it simply, it was a perfect cocktail of challenges, joy, struggles, AHA moments, positive energy, letting go, trusting in yourself, building awareness, making space, loving, sharing and learning. Not only did the course flow gracefully through the modules, it was beautifully balanced with the breathing practices, asanas, anatomy and philosophy. I have learned that all you really need to do is tune into yourself, listen to what your body has to tell you and it will guide you in the right direction. I am forever grateful and feel blessed to have taken part of this course, which has kick-started my beautiful yoga journey.

Saima Sultana

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – May 2019

I came all the way from Pakistan to join Yogshakti’s 200 Hours Integrative Yoga Teacher Training Course. Yogshakti offers a beautiful surrounding, a comfortable stay, and delicious homemade yogic food prepared by dear Marlene. The one month I spent with my beloved teacher Shilpa has brought me to realize that this is just the journey I need, at this point in time in my life. I have been practicing and teaching yoga for 5 years, but this style of yoga is completely new to me. This course has helped me gather myself together and guided me to “come back home”. It has led me to return to the conscious state and reconnect with my center of gravity. The concept of mudras brings lightness throughout my body.

The stillness of mind allows my body to move so freely, while maintaining tensegrity. Diverse breathing techniques taught in this course calms the breath and stills the mind, allowing prana to flow freely through joints, ligaments and muscles. This enables me to go deeper in the asanas – I can go way further! My inversions have been truly improved, and they feel lighter, too! Surprisingly, I can sit in meditation for 25 minutes daily…another wonderful learning I have gained from this course.

Shilpa is truly dedicated to her teaching. She is a wonderful person, a highly experienced yoga practitioner with such deep knowledge of meditation. Her philosophy sessions are powerful, and the way she explains anatomy is wonderful. I am immensely grateful. This course has changed the way I perceive life. Now that I have returned home, I am determined to do my self practice and also introduce Integrative Yoga to my students. I thank Shilpa from the bottom of my heart for this precious gift of yoga. I am looking forward to returning to Yogshakti to deepen my journey through the 300 Hours Integrative Yoga Teacher Training Course.

Sylvia Tan

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – May 2019

I am blessed to be one of Shilpa’s students. Throughout the training, I felt her love and passion in her teaching. She is full of wisdom and kindness, She has helped me so much in my personal growth. My posture improved and my mind became clear and I feel joy and compassion. She also helped me to cultivate self-awareness and knowing and understanding myself. Although I am quite new to Yoga, I have never felt such ease and lightness in my Asanas. My practice is transformed! She taught me how to breathe and this has truly helped my meditation and mindfulness practice. Through the practice of Integrative Yoga, my sleep quality improved. And my inner emotional state also improved. Thank you Shilpa for planting these wonderful seeds of peace, happiness, goodwill, and love in the garden of my mind. I will continue to take care of it and reap a glorious harvest.

Alicia Rodrigues

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – May 2019

Yogshakti Integrative Yoga 200hr YTT course has had a profound impact on my life, not only whilst on my mat. The experience introduced me to principles that now enhance my life on a daily basis. Each day of the teacher training left me feeling energized and fulfilled, ready to make positive improvements to my mental attitude and lifestyle. I have taken away fundamental tools to calm my mind, cultivate healthier breathing, and improve overall physical strength and vitality. I feel total confidence to explore asanas that I previously felt were unsafe on my joints. Yogshakti Integrative Yoga is a well-rounded mind and body nourishing practice, that is well suited to my previous Vinyasa practice. I am truly grateful to have crossed paths with such a passionate teacher, Shilpa. I look forward to sharing my new knowledge through teaching.

Tracey-Anne Holloway

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – May 2019

Shilpa’s Integrative Yoga Teacher Training Course 200hrs is an exceptional blend of her masterful wisdom, practices, and teachings. Going into the course I knew it contained the elements of yin & scaravelli yoga, breathing, mindfulness, and philosophy. My personal journey contained all these elements and yet I wondered, how would she take all that I do separately and incorporate them into practice on the mat. My mind was totally blown wide open. Transforming my practice, to one that always begins with grounding in the breath, through to connecting to your core, staying light through the moves, sublimely connecting ancient philosophies to the practice, and always returning to the breath that serves as the keystone to the practice. Thus stilling the mind and entering a meditative practice in flow. Pure genius. Pure gold.

Rina Storrar

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – May 2019

Yoga with Shilpa is very different compared to any other yoga teachings. She has taught us how to apply yoga in the daily life. Two magic words from her that I will always remember is “to let go”, and “to stay light” in the breathing. Her approach to the challenging asanas throughout the practice is a perfect analogy of how we should deal with the challenging times in life: keep our breathing light, stay grounded. Let go, and forgive. I took my 200 Hours Teacher Training Course in 2016, and recently returned to the 21 Day Course in October 2019 to refresh my practice. It reminds me of how Shilpa’s teachings significantly changed my life. Not only it has brought lightness in my movements and asanas, it has also brought powerful, positive impact in my life.

Cecile Chaigneau

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – May 2019

I knew that Yogshakti’s 200 Hours TTC has been life-changing to many. At first, I had some doubts about whether I would be able to keep up with the program…turned out that I could not be happier with how it went! I quickly felt and understood that the course was designed to bring each of us to another level, both on and off the mat, regardless of where you were in your practice prior. It is a very detailed, professionally organized program. My gratitude to Shilpa, a highly experienced yoga practitioner. Her talk sessions are powerful. She takes time to listen, and she is supportive of each of us throughout the course. Shilpa creates a warm, loving environment among all of us. The course is not merely about yoga practice. It is also a course on how to live. It brings with it a lot of knowledge about spirituality and philosophy. I have so much taken away from Yogshakti’s TTC, I am looking forward to deepening my practice, physically and spiritually.

Beatrice Ankel

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – May 2019

My name is Beatrice and I had the pleasure of participating in the 200hour teacher’s training course with Shilpa at Yogshakti. Due to a shoulder injury and slipped discs I was initially reluctant to join this intensive course. Therefore I started with the 21day challenge course and was immediately hooked by the holistic approach to Shilpa’s form of yoga. The 200hour course taught me how to apply the philosophy of yoga not only on the mat but most importantly in my daily life – mindfulness, self-awareness, and appreciation of self and my surroundings. On top of that, the mix and pace of integrative yoga did not only prevent further aggravating my injuries but actually taught me how to go into poses which I would have never thought I was able to. This course has been a perfect foundation to continue my personal journey and exploration of what it truly means to look into my inner-self and incorporate yoga practice on a daily basis. I have immense gratitude for Shilpa – this course has forever changed my life and I cannot wait to share the practice through my own teachings going forward.

Alexandra Hochbrugger

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – May 2019

When my family moved to KL I suffered from homesickness and struggled with the heat. I discovered Yogshakti and found a place of peace and something that made me happy because Yoga is much more than just poses, it has life changing benefits beyond the physical sweat – the access to grow and to connect. I was blessed to be able to partake in a 200-hour yoga teacher training course at Yogshakti with Shilpa, who had made such an impact on my practice and personal life. Words can not describe how intense and life-changing the practice is, Shilpa has so much to give, she makes you see things in a different perspective and there is a sense of peace when you set your foot into the lovely place of Yogshakti. The way of Shilpa‘s teaching and how to get into the poses is very different, it’s kind to the body and she learned us to listen to our inner voice to come into poses effortlessly and with ease.

The beauty of Integrative Yoga is, that it allows my body to prepare and as a result, I managed to get into poses that I had never been able to access before. I particularly love the hip opening sequence for the fact that it unlocks the area where we store our emotions, fear, and suppressed feelings. Shilpa’s teaching has guided me to find inner peace and let go of crushed emotions. It’s been beautiful this journey of Integrative Yoga and to find so much joy, peace, and love and I’m already looking forward to the 300 hours of teacher training in September this year.

Annette Feletti

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – May 2019

I have practiced various styles of yoga on and off for 16 years but participating in Yoga TTC at Yogshakti led me to a much deeper place to discover my own inner teacher. Shilpa has an enormous depth and breadth of experience spanning both eastern and western yogic traditions. Above all, she is motivated to support her students to learn and experience the true beauty of yoga for themselves and not just the asanas. It was important for me to discover the higher purpose of yoga which is to realize our true nature, to begin to come home to myself. We learned many time-honored techniques such as Alternate Nostril breathing and Bhastrika to calm the breath and still the mind, Kapalabhati to cleanse and tone to allow prana to flow freely through joints, ligaments, and muscles. The notion that the purpose of yoga is to create the conditions for meditation resonated deeply and permeated both our yin and yang practice over the duration of the course.

A major focus was to learn integrated techniques to free the spine to allow the free the flow of energy inside the body. Before the course I was convinced inversions, shoulder-stands and head-stands were no longer possible for me because I am 51 years old and I have mild degeneration in my cervical spine. But with Shilpa’s guidance, I am now doing both safely and I am continuing to ease into backbends without injury. My neck has not felt so light and free since I was a child. The tuition in all aspects of the anatomy of the human body relevant to yoga was comprehensive and taught in a professional yet easy to understand way. I am ever grateful to Shilpa for bringing the group together, sharing her infinite wisdom, her patience, and loving guidance each day. Thank you also to my fellow students for opening their hearts and sharing their experiences so freely, your support was life-affirming in so many ways. Thank you also to Marlene, it would not have been the same without your cheerful presence, the energizing tea, and taste-bud tantalizing buffet.

Jane Bircher

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – May 2019

I have always liked how yoga makes me feel both physically and mentally – and now after having been introduced to the Yogshakti method of integrative yoga I feel that I can now extend that feeling beyond the mat. It’s the idea of what we practice on the mat being a reflection of how we live our lives – yoga is indeed so much more than a series of asanas. Shilpa’s strength and beauty is her ability to bring a group of 31 individuals from diverse backgrounds, culturally very different and spanning a wide age range together to create a loving and supportive environment of self-discovery in the process of learning how to teach yoga. She gives space to everyone to really feel yoga and share their experiences. The course is a journey of personal development and self-awakening to discover the teacher within each one of us. I enjoyed the combination of theory, practice, and then practice-analysis. Shilpa’s style of yoga leads to a lightness of the body resulting in a certain grace and ease as well as a stillness of mind. I like this. My gratitude and heartfelt thanks first and foremost to the other participants who shared their stories and trust with us – the course would not have been the same without you.

To Marlene for ensuring the course ran smoothly behind the scenes. And last but certainly not least to Shilpa for her immense wisdom, courage, and strength of character. The 200hour course taught me how to apply the philosophy of yoga not only on the mat but most importantly in my daily life – mindfulness, self-awareness, and appreciation of self and my surroundings. On top of that, the mix and pace of integrative yoga did not only prevent further aggravating my injuries but actually taught me how to go into poses which I would have never thought I was able to. This course has been a perfect foundation to continue my personal journey and exploration of what it truly means to look into my inner-self and incorporate yoga practice on a daily basis. I have immense gratitude for Shilpa – this course has forever changed my life and I cannot wait to share the practice through my own teachings going forward.

Mayumi Momen

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – May 2019

I took my first yoga class about 8 years ago we really started practicing around 3 years ago and Canada just where I’m from. I volunteered at a yoga studio as an energy exchange program where I received free yoga classes, then I became a front desk adviser for that studio. Two years ago I took a movement research-intensive 10-week course with Diane Bruni in Toronto which was based on dynamic neural stabilization among other natural forms of movement, which is in fact very similar to the methods and concepts that Shilpa teaches here at Yogshakti. When I saw that, I felt like I was in the right place. Shilpa teaches us proper alignment, functional, natural ways of moving, and mindful movement or moving meditation. It is great because these methods prevent injuries and is a holistic approach to yoga. What brought me to yoga in the first place was mental health. I don’t have a fitness background but I do believe in the mind-body connection. I have periods of anxiety and I am prone to depression. It is proven that yoga and meditation have many benefits for mental health.

Shilpa uses a holistic approach to teaching yoga. Philosophy, psychology, meditation, mindful movement, and strength through the poses that give us strength off the mat. I studied psychology in my undergrad and want to pursue it so a few of the concepts that were presented both in psychology and movement I was aware of prior, but I hadn’t been able to apply to my daily life, I guess I wasn’t ready but am now. This has been a transformative, therapeutic, and healing experience. Shilpa is an intuitive, understanding, and knowledgeable teacher. I feel blessed to have taken my yoga teacher training in KL with her when I searched for courses in Toronto and Singapore and had the opportunity to take it anywhere in the world.

Carolina Zamberlan Flores Peters

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – October 2018

It’s an exciting beginning. I’m already thinking about the 300 hour Teacher Training Course! I have always liked how yoga makes me feel both physically and mentally – and now after having been introduced to the Yogshakti method of integrative yoga I feel that I can now extend that feeling beyond the mat. It’s the idea of what we practice on the mat being a reflection of how we live our lives – yoga is indeed so much more than a series of asanas. Shilpa’s strength and beauty is her ability to bring a group of 31 individuals from diverse backgrounds, culturally very different and spanning a wide age range together to create a loving and supportive environment of self-discovery in the process of learning how to teach yoga. She gives space to everyone to really feel yoga and share their experiences. The course is a journey of personal development and self-awakening to discover the teacher within each one of us. I enjoyed the combination of theory, practice and then practice-analysis. Shilpa’s style of yoga leads to a lightness of body resulting in a certain grace and ease as well as a stillness of mind. I like this. My gratitude and heartfelt thanks first and foremost to the other participants who shared their stories and trust with us – the course would not have been the same without you. To Marlene for ensuring the course ran smoothly behind the scenes. And last but certainly not least to Shilpa for her immense wisdom, courage, and strength of character.

The 200hour course taught me how to apply the philosophy of yoga not only on the mat but most importantly in my daily life – mindfulness, self-awareness and appreciation of self and my surroundings. On top of that, the mix and pace of integrative yoga did not only prevent further aggravating my injuries but actually taught me how to go into poses which I would have never thought I was able to. This course has been a perfect foundation to continue my personal journey and exploration of what it truly means to look into my inner-self and incorporate yoga practice on a daily basis. I have immense gratitude for Shilpa – this course has forever changed my life and I cannot wait to share the practice through my own teachings going forward.

Arooj Yaseen

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – October 2018

Yoga is not just for flexibility. It’s for everyone. Prior to joining the teacher training, I had been doing yoga for 2 years. Feeling that I’m quite flexible, I decided to search up for schools that are registered with Yoga Alliance. There is a short supply of these schools in my country. My search led me to contact Yogshakti in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Shilpa personally called me. She explained about Integrative Yoga, and that the center also has a boarding facility. It turned out to be a perfect arrangement…not only she is a wonderful teacher, but she also took care of me like my own mother! Yogshakti’s teacher training journey is amazing. It’s hard to explain it in words. It transformed my thinking. Yoga is not just for the flexible. It’s for everyone. I am now back in my own country, excited to share the beauty of Integrative Yoga – a system of yoga that is for everyone. I want to help people accept themselves as who they are, and be heatlhier. Above all, I want them to discover the true joy in life, the joy that lies within themselves.

Signe Jensen

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – October 2018

“Wonderful transformation!” ~ this is how I describe my yoga journey with Shilpa. For many years, my yoga practice had only been a physical thing. A lot of stretching, muscle work (and injuries), and whenever possible, I would sneak out during Savasana at the end of a yoga class. Going to a yin yoga class, where you would stay in a pose for 3-5 minutes, was torture. Instead of having a calm, still mind, my head was screaming to get me out of the pose. I have always had a constant, demanding mind, and the silence was something that made me restless. Then I took my first 21 Day Course with Shilpa, and I knew that something was about to change. I felt the need to go down this path. One course led to another and led me to Yogshakti’s 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training. Shilpa’s teaching and her way of practicing yoga were eye-opening. I began to connect with myself. With Integrative Yoga, I learned to practice yoga from the inside out. Shilpa taught me how to truly feel the yoga, be open, and let it come to me, surrender, and to be present in the now. Not the future, not the past. I learned to practice with self-love, ease, and lightness and letting the movement become a meditation. Leaving all expectations behind and just be. The impact it has brought to my life is amazing. With yoga, I found inner peace and silence, even when the world around me is in chaos. My aim as a teacher is to share this newfound peace with others.

Elena Pilnikova

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – October 2018

Now I understand how to ground myself. How to be at home. Before taking part in the course, I had been practicing yoga for 5 years. Nevertheless, I had a lot of questions. I kept asking myself, “I keep doing poses…but what’s next?”. But the most pressing, fundamental question in my head was about what yoga truly means. I am grateful that I discovered the answers in Integrative Yoga. To me, it is like an intelligent way of how your body and mind move. The practice brought me to discover that I don’t even need to claim that I’m a yogi. Yoga is not about poses. It’s way much deeper. Before discovering Integrative Yoga, I never understood how to ground myself. Now I understand how to be ‘home’ – how to be the source. It’s calming and amazing at the same time to know that I can access ‘home’ anytime. I’m definitely going to share this joyful gift with the people dear to me.

Angela Boyle

Graduate of Yogshakti′s 200 hour Teacher Training Course - 2016

Yogshakti Teacher Training has been one of the most profound experiences of my life. I have done plenty of courses on the mind, body, and spirit before but they have just kept me more solidly up in my head, my ego, so that when I left the course I was fearful that I would forget what I learned. This teacher training is the only course that I have experienced where the learning comes through my body. I am not learning anything new, I am just remembering what is inside me, and doing so, it is impossible to forget. My connection to my Hara will change my life forever.

Nicky Schobbe

Graduate of Yogshakti′s 200 hour Teacher Training Course - 2016

From the start it was a magical journey. I expected it to be so many things and it was and more!. The realisation of how the breath can heal the body was wonderful. Meditation in combination with the breath was such a great teaching. I think that sharing was the best teaching tool. Shilpa as a teacher was focussed and aware of what was happening or evolved in the class. The space she gave us was that of tight friendship, being ourselves and letting go. There was great joy in her sharing. All in all, the course was amazing!

Nele Daemen

Graduate of Yogshakti′s 200 hour Teacher Training Course - 2016

The Yogshakti TTC has completely transformed my asana practice. I now fully embrace the concept of ‘Meditation in Movement’ and it has helped me to release the tension that is present in my body and mind. I used to feel soreness and stiffness in my ligaments and joints before. By integrating the principles of integrative yoga into my practice, even challenging poses feel light and effortless. I have seen the results in backbends like cobra, in my downward dog and forward bends, headstand and even splits. I love the integrative yoga sun salutations as I can really experience `meditation in movement` whilst doing them by finding the connection through the breath. Thank you Shilpa and the whole Yogshakti community!

Emmanuelle Magnard

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – May 2016

Yogshakti teacher training has been an EXTRAordinary experience. The teaching flowed from one module to another so naturally, starting with breath and Hara centering and using those concepts all along in Scaravelli inspired yoga and Yin Yoga. Philosophy is not just one module at the end of the training, it is “distilled” all along very beautifully. The sharing sessions every day were beautiful. Scaravelli inspired yoga is for everyone, flexible or not, strong or not. It awakens intuition. You feel freedom in your spine, in your joints, in your body. Practice becomes a flow, so easy to implement on a daily basis. When I practice I sometimes “touch” this state of meditation in movement and this brings me a lot of joy and peace. I experience true letting go and meditation in movement.

Anis Jamaludin

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – May 2016

This was just the journey I needed in my life at this time. Learning to make peace with my inner self by being compassionate and forgiving myself. This teacher training has not just taught me breathing, Asana and the many techniques, but to awaken a sense of awareness for when these tools are needed in my own life. It taught me that there is no teacher/guide/externalities that one can depend on but our own true self – pure consciousness-source. This training has helped me gather myself, come back “home”, the home I’ve been longing and searching for all my life. It really has given me a “taste” of the person I truly am, and this is perfect. This is the only way to live. And as I’m writing this, tears are about to fall… The realization of this is so powerful. So moving. It is so pure and untainted. Ever filling, everlasting and always within…..no matter the flux of extremities and phenomena.

Lene Simonnes

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – May 2015

Thank you, Shilpa Ghatalia for creating such magical conditions for learning and realization! The greatest gift I received was the reminder and experience, beyond the intellectual understanding, that I am already enough and that I am deeply and fundamentally connected to everyone and everything around me. If you are looking for the tools and confidence to fully own your own practice and/ or teach from a more authentic place, this course is for you.

I feel truly privileged to be on the receiving end of Shilpa’s wisdom and mentorship as she is generously sharing the philosophy, the practice and the routines of the Yogshakti Integrative Yoga path. Bonuses include: An incredible boost in physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. You get to eat Marlene Sisone’s amazing food for a whole month. And you make connections and friendships that will last for a lifetime. I did. And for that I am grateful!

Maya Naganathan

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – May 2015

This course has been a life changing experience. It integrates practice, philosophy and experience. It is unique, probably nothing like any other yoga teacher training course out there. I walked in expecting to do Asanas and be taught how to teach yoga but stumbled into something that’s taken me on a journey into myself, discovering inner peace, joy and love.

Lisa Lee

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – May 2015

This training has been life changing! I feel so fulfilled and enriched in so many ways. The one most important thing I take away is to live everyday as WHO I AM – No Pretense, No Hesitation and No Forcing. As I allow myself to be my authentic self, I allow everything to flow as it is meant to be. I only create the conditions to empower myself and in turn empower others.

Anais Deschamps

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – 2014

It was a great experience. This TTC really helped me to deepen my practice. I improved myself in meditation, learned a lot about yoga philoso- phy and anatomy. The teachers were always ready to help each of us and the group was amazing!

Agni Tilla

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – 2014

The TTC was amazing! I feel freedom in my mind and body as a result of Integrative Yoga. I loved the flow of the practice and silence at the end of it. I decided to start the teachers training to deepen my yoga practice but I never expected that this would be such an amazing life changing experience. I’m excited to see where this journey will take me.

Maya Milicent

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – 2014

It was truly a unique experience! We had an amazing time with great teachers and a real global experience. I loved it so much I am already pushing some friends to join the September – October course!

Catherine Gunther

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – 2014

This course was the greatest gift I have given myself. I am thankful I listened to my inner voice as I began to discover the vast depth of Yoga. It revealed to me a deep & vital understanding of how & why a daily yoga practice enriches the day & the soul. I had an excellent experience with the TTC. It has inspired a greater desire to continue learning, personal development & promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Dayle Abraham

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – 2014

The experience has been exceptional, profound, and educational. I will be walking away with a better understanding of the body – physically
& energetically. A very good base for attaining the aim of Yoga, and
 for a complete practice. It exceeded my expectations. The Integration between the two styles was amazing and invaluable.

Maria Robinson

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – 2014

The Course was life changing! There were moments when I felt I glimpsed the real ‘essence’ of Yoga. During the philosophy session I had a ‘eureka’ moment in which suddenly everything made sense. Now I see a path ahead with no suffering – just the Now, acceptance & Being! It’s all here already. It’s all within me. There is no past, no future, just the NOW!

Sandrine Bruneau

Graduate of Yogshakti’s 200 hour Teacher Training Course – 2014

I came to the course to deepen my personal practice, to find some relaxation and learn how to breathe – I made HUGE progress in my understanding of Life. I would recommend this course to those who are seeking a solid foundation of Yoga, integrating Yang, Yin, Breathing and Meditation. The Breathing teaching is intense in this class and makes a huge difference!

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