Absolutely loving the course & feel so grateful to be able to join from afar. It’s a real bonus of this situation. I do the class & then watch it again later & take notes. I get so much out of it. Being able to re-watch it is really worthwhile.
Part Time 200 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher Training Course
Begin anytime
200 hours Full Time Teacher Training
Check out also our 200 hours Full Time Teacher Training happening on the 20th February to 5th May 2024
We are an officially Registered Yoga School with the Yoga Alliance USA. (www.yogaalliance.org).
Awaken to your inner teacher. Our Integrative Yoga training encourages personal growth in your quest to teach or to deepen your self-practice.
For the first time ever available as an online + part time course. Join us from anywhere around the globe.
Integrative Yoga is a form of Hatha Yoga which is a synthesis of the teachings of the Himalayan tradition of Swami Rama, the Intuitive Yoga of spinal freedom inspired by Vanda Scaravelli, Taoist Yin Yoga, the Zen Mindfulness teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh and the philosophy of non-dualism of Advaita Vedanta. Integrated into the teachings are special kriyas, bandhas and breath work to provide a system that is well rounded and holistic.
A “Philosophy in Form”, it harmonizes the body, breath, mind, emotions and intellect through its integration with Yin Yoga, Qi Gong, Breathing practices, Yogic Kriyas, Mindfulness, Meditation, Deep Relaxation and Philosophy.
Integrative Yoga can be best described as “meditation in movement” cultivating lightness in body, stillness of mind and the experience of innate bliss and freedom that is ever present. Our 200 Hours Foundation Level course will not only enable you to deepen your own practice and lead to self transformation, but also create a firm foundation for you to lead your students into the state of silence & stillness that will be most rewarding & fulfilling.
We see great value in offering our unique and powerful training to those of you who due to time and other constraints are unable to come to Yogshakti for In-Person training to do the 200-hour Course as a Part -Time On-Line training instead.
This online training will be interspersed with In-Person attendance over the weekends at Yogshakti. For students abroad, this can be done through a weeklong immersion at Yogshakti during any of our Full Time Teacher Training Courses offered at Yogshakti.
Our 200 hour RYT Course is a combination of:
Online live and pre – recorded sessions
12 day In-Person training at Yogshakti
Our Training is a 2 step process to becoming a Yoga Alliance certified Yoga Teacher:
- Join our Live sessions or replay videos and recorded sessions at your convenience. The course will entitle you to the recorded videos till you certify.
- Pick any 12 days (except for the 14 Day Chakra course which can be done as ‘live’ online through live stream) to attend our In-Person training which will be held from 20th Feb to 5th May 2024 at Yogshakti. You are allowed the flexibility of two years to complete the course
For more information on details, kindly call us at 0122052714.
Chung Lynn’s Experience with 200-Hour Teacher Training
Cost of the Yoga Teacher Training Course:
Regular Price: RM 6,950.00 plus RM250 for manuals
(This amount can be paid in 2 installments)
This cost includes:
1. All Live and Recorded Videos
3. 12 Day Immersion at Yogshakti
Mindfulness, the Hara, Kriyas, Pranayama, Bandhas, Mudras, Buteyko method & its integration into Asanas
• Mindfulness Is the heart of Integrative Yoga Teacher Training Program. It is an integral part of each module listed below. True self- transformation is possible only through training the mind. You will learn how to integrate Mindfulness into your yoga practice and daily life. Through practical guidance, you will be able to embrace mindfulness and bloom in it’s practice.
• The Hara- Center of Being and Qi Gong The Hara is the seat of internal awareness and the storehouse of energy. It is the center of gravity in the body from which all movement arises. We will begin by learning how to connect to the Hara through breathing practices and asanas.
• Kriyas Kriyas are ancient yogic techniques that cleanse, energize and invigorate the body. You will learn how to integrate them into asanas. Kriyas will prepare you for Pranayama and Meditation.
• The Buteyko Method There is a strong link between prana and carbon-dioxide. This method will provide a clearer understanding of pranayama and how the breath links the body and mind. The Buteyko Method scientifically proves the concept of breathing less which Yogis long before, discovered. For Yoga teachers this information is vital, as it will equip you in help students with issues of over-breathing and dissipation of prana. We recommend you attend a Buteyko Workshop, ours or one accessible to you, either before or after the Teacher training.
Scaravelli Inspired Spinal Eclectic Yoga & Study of Chakras and Functional Anatomy
• Scaravelli Inspired Spinal Eclectic Yoga This revolutionary spine centered practice, inspired by Vanda Scaravelli, will teach you how to yield to the natural intelligence of the body and free the spine to find ease, fluidity and depth in your movement. Your flexibility and back bending ability will grow as you awaken the fullest potential of your spine. You will learn how to strengthen your core and work with the energetic body through the breath. Finding balance through the polarities and undoing tension will turn your asanas into an effortless meditative ‘dance’.
• Study of Chakras and Functional Anatomy In addition to studying anatomy of the physical body, we will also explore the anatomy and physiology of the chakras and nadis. Anatomy taught will be practical, relevant and functional. You will also study – benefits, contraindications, modifications and healthy movement patterns.
Yin Yoga & the Meridians
• Yin Yoga & Meridians The long held postures in Yin yoga, apply moderate stress to the connective tissues, tendons, fascia and ligaments, elevating joint circulation and improving flexibility. In this module, you will learn specific yin routines to improve hip flexibility, organ health, immunity and emotional well-being.
• Meridians Are energy pathways through which vital force/prana/qi travel. Yin poses are designed to improve this flow through the meridian pathways of the body. You will study the main meridians and how they affect of the major organs of the body such as the kidneys, urinary bladder, liver, gall bladder, heart, small intestines, lungs and large intestines. You will also study how mental and emotional health is related to the flow of vital force through the meridians.
Yoga Nidra, Meditation & Philosophy
• Yoga Nidra & Meditation These are the deeper and subtler practices of Yoga. Belonging to the 5th, 6th and 7th rungs on the 8 limbed path of Yoga – of Sensory withdrawal (pratyahara), Concentration (dharana) and Meditation (dhyana). This allows the student to build a strong foundation in understanding the power of silence. Yoga Nidra is a state of consciousness, where the brain produces delta waves as in deep sleep, yet one remains fully conscious. This state of deep psychic relaxation can induce: creativity, healing, awaken intuition, help with problem solving and gaining deeper insights. In this training, Yoga Nidra from the Himalayan tradition and the Bihar School of Yoga will be taught. We will also explore different ways to enter the state of Meditation, from concentration, mindfulness, the use of mantra and Self–enquiry.
• Philosophy Yoga aims, on an experiential level, of the oneness and unity of all things in phenomena. This happens through a threefold process in Vedanta called: Shravana-listening with a quiet mind; Manana-the process of contemplation and understanding and lastly, Niddhidyasana-the ultimate realization of this unity. We will dissect the concept of Non-dualism, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the teachings of modern day spiritual masters. These well-curated teachings of: philosophy, asanas, pranayama, meditation and mindfulness are means for the student to embark on powerful journey towards liberation, that is Yoga.
Course Manuals
The 200 Hours Course Material is covered in our 5 manuals:
1. The Practice Manual
2. Principles of Practice
3. The Science Of Breath
4. Philosophy
5. Integrative Practice Routines
The cost of these manuals is included in the course fee
These manuals can be collected from Yogshakti upon registration for the course
We recommend 2 more books:
1. Yin Yoga – Title: Insight Yoga by Sarah Powers.
This book may be purchased either at Kinokuniya book store, KLCC or online through Amazon or Book Depository
2. An Introduction to Anatomy, Physiology and Movement of the Human Body by Maria Robinson.
To purchase the PDF copy of the book, kindly email mariagrol@gmail.com
The Teacher
Shilpa Ghatalia
Shilpa Ghatalia has been a lifelong student of Yoga. In 1997 she became a certified yoga teacher in the Himalayan tradition at Swami Rama’s Institute of Yogic Sciences Honesdale, USA. In 1999 under the tutelage of Swami Veda Bharati she studied the subtleties of Yoga to include Raja Yoga Meditation & Yoga Nidra. From then on, she went on to study and train with the following teachers: Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in Mindfulness; Sri Ramesh Balsekar in Advaita Vedanta; Pranayama and Basics of Ayurveda with Dr Nagaraj in India; the Buteyko Method with Patrick Keown; Master teachers Paddy McGrath and Diane Long who initiated her into revolutionary practise of *Vanda Scaravelli; Yin Yoga with Sarah Powers; Calligraphy Yoga and Qi Gong with the Shaolin Master Zen Hua Yang; Yoga Synergy training with Simon Borg Olivier, Australia. Over the years she continued to study different styles of Hatha Yoga such as Iyengar, Anusara and Yin Yoga in her quest to find a system, which led to spontaneous meditation. This led her to creating a style of Hatha Yoga called Integrative Yoga which is the synthesis of the teachings of all of the above teachers and teachings imbibed over the period of 30 years.
Shilpa Ghatalia is the founder of Yogshakti-www.yogshakti.com which is a registered Yoga Alliance (USA) school licenced to provide 200 and 300 hour teacher training programs. She trains teachers both internationally & locally.
*Vanda Scaravelli: Author of the book Awakening the Spine

What Our Online Students Say…
Shilpa sharing the benefits of Teacher Training at Yogshakti
Adelyn Tam
Graduate of Yogshakti’s Online + In-Person 200 Hours Course 2020
If you’re looking for a yoga training course with a focus on connecting with the mind, Yogshakti is an amazing place to be. Under Shilpa’s watchful guidance, it was fascinating to observe the transformation that has happened to my body in the span of two months. Shilpa introduced many useful concepts that have helped me understand how to use my body to connect with my mind. When I could access this, a lot of postures opened up for me.
While I understood intellectually what lightness in movement meant, but it wasn’t until I achieved the first weightless headstand that I saw the power of the techniques in Integrative Yoga. I liked the part online, the part in-person structure of the 200hr yoga teacher training program. The online course, over a period of 1.5 months, allowed my body to slowly absorb the benefits of consistent practice. I was mind-blown when my breathing cleared up, I saw a difference in my meditation, and I’m probably the strongest and most flexible I’ve ever been.I liked the part online, the part in-person structure of the 200hr yoga teacher training program. The online course, over a period of 1.5 months, allowed my body to slowly absorb the benefits of consistent practice. I was mind-blown when my breathing cleared up, I saw a difference in my meditation, and I’m probably the strongest and most flexible I’ve ever been. But what’s most beautiful for me in the practice is learning how to come home to myself, to that stillness that resides within each of us. I really loved learning about the philosophies and theories behind the practice that teach me how to navigate the ups and downs of this world. Because the real yoga, as Shilpa would put it, begins off the mat.
Nicki Rice
Graduate of Yogshakti’s Online + In-Person 200 Hours Course 2020
I had been searching for a while to find a Yoga Teacher Training course that truly encompassed the mind body and spirit and the pure essence of Yoga and that authentically resonated with the Yoga I wanted to learn for myself and share with others. A friend of mine who had recently completed part of his 300 hour course at Yogshakti was so passionate about the guidance, teachings and wisdom imparted from Shilpa and the unique holistic Practice of Integrative Yoga, I felt a strong sense of curiosity and intuition that I had to find out more.
I was delighted to learn from Shilpa that although I live in Singapore, I could participate in their 200 hour YTT On-line and In-Person. Right from day 1, the teachings from Shilpa were a wonderful, invigorating way to start my day and I felt my vitality, flexibility and the freedom in my joints and spine and my entire being awaken and this incrementally increased as the course progressed. Shilpa so expertly shared her vast wisdom and knowledge and gift as a teacher that every aspect of the course was so easily understood and implemented from Pranayama to Qi Gong to the Asanas, Yin Yoga, Philosophy and Meditation to name but a few of the teachings. Throughout the course we always had the opportunity to clarify or ask questions to Shilpa who lovingly guided each and every student. We also had the opportunity to learn from and connect with the other students even though we were many miles apart either live on-line and via our chat group. Integrative Yoga seamlessly flows like no other Yoga Practice I have followed and is interwoven with key principles that can be be of tremendous benefit and accessible to anyone at any stage of their life. I have a new found confidence, trust, joy and peace that has been ignited in my mind, body, and soul and am letting go in all areas of my life and am finding more stillness and presence each day. All these aspects are becoming more integrated into my entire being and daily life both on and more importantly off the mat. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to experience the inspirational 200 hour Integrative Yoga TT course with Shilpa. The Practice of Integrative Yoga significantly transforms your life and your holistic well being and I can’t wait to share this with other people.
Chee Hwee Tzi
The 200 hours YTT exceeded my expectations and completely changed my perception of yoga. The course helped me learn to appreciate yoga in a holistic way, beyond just the physical asanas. I learnt a lot on the mat but I think I learnt even more off the mat! Shilpa is a wonderful teacher and I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn from her.
Yap Yi Shian
The course was excellent and changed my perceptions and views of yoga. Qi Gong and Hara connection are wonderful tools to enhance my asana practices. Kriyas are also like boosters to warm up my body. The soothing Yoga Nidra calmed and refreshed me for the entire day. I’m grateful that I got to learn Yin yoga and now I like Yin yoga as much as Hatha yoga. Mindfulness helped me to gain a more peaceful mind and confidence to become a yoga teacher.
I love the non-judgment and non-attachment principles; However, by stepping out from the habitual lifestyles, we can actually see and find our true self and live our lives to the fullest, and not just go after the so-called ‘perfect’ life. This is also one kind of self-love, to love ourselves and gradually to extend our love to other beings in this world. Thank you Shilpa!
This 200-hour experience was Unforgettable! It was so powerful and it brought me so much joy! I would like to say it was truly a blessing that I chose Yogshakti and to be your student! This course has been one of the most wonderful experiences along my Yoga journey! You made me feel comfortable and at ease and you took care of all of us so so well. You’re so selfless that I wish to go to your class every day.
Actually, on the first day when I reached the studio, I felt like I had arrived at a place which I have known before (however, it was the first time I came to Yogshakti) and now I know why. Thank you for being a role model to me and for giving all of us the confidence to share & to teach. You listen from the bottom of your heart with no judgment. I am now looking forward to my journey forward and wish I could be back to Yogshakti very soon. I will probably come back for 300h course! Thank you very much with lots of love.
Dahlia Eizzati Binti Zailani
It only started with one video of the online course, and I felt a significant transformation in myself. I didn’t feel exhausted in the morning anymore, my body felt electric, yet controlled. My mind felt fresh, and the little everyday burdens that used to bring me down barely register nowadays.
A difficulty happens, and I simply let it pass. Shilpa managed to make me feel like anything was possible, and I felt a new leaf turning within me. My mind stills, my body communicates, and I find I have this endless potential to train as a yogi. This was a transformative experience, from start to finish.
Licia Ee Shih Ling
My friend once told me that there is nowhere else to be other than Yogshakti and he was right. My 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training at Yogshakti has changed my body and my mind. My perspective in life has change and I am more peaceful, joyful and most importantly, I am better in my communication (husband says so).
I would like to thank Shilpa whose commitment to teaching in a truly relaxed, warm and caring atmosphere. My 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training with Shilpa at Yogshakti was truly life changing and life affirming.
Norliza Binti Razool Khan
It has truly been an amazing journey for me, one that I never expected to take in my life path. It has been a miracle! Every step of the course has also made me feel as if I was pushed to embark and persevere by my late father’s spirit – which has also led me to contemplate the ultimate purpose and meaning of my life. I am now resolved to work at the practices and move forward with peace, calm and joy.

Participated in Yogshakti’s Online Courses October 2020
I have just completed the 21-Day Yoga Course online in October 2020, which is part of my journey towards the 200-Hour Teacher Training Course at Yogshakti. I want to say thank you to Shilpa for a wonderful 21-day experience. I think for the first time since I can remember I took a much calmer and slower-paced approach to life. I feel more confident in being who I am. I am much more present and not always in the past or the future. I still get drawn in both directions but it has been an improvement. I really enjoyed the Qi Gong segment of this course. I think it is the first time I felt truly connected with it and could really feel the energy within!

Snehal Kothari
Participated in Yogshakti’s Online Courses October 2020
I have completed the 30-day Yoga Course online which is part of my journey towards the 200-Hour Teacher Training certification. Because it was online, I did not rush to finish it, I was very focused, paid attention to all the subtler details and techniques and I truly had the most amazing experience! Words cannot describe how much I benefited from this course. Each and every day was beautifully crafted and if I reviewed it very critically, I found no faults at all. Thank you so much Shilpa. You have given me the best gift that anyone could ever give to me. I wish that everyone would come to you and learn what you have to offer. Whenever I see a good candidate, I try and convince them to take up a course!
Vaishali Gandhi
Mumbai, India
Online streamed course! a dream come true! it will be so good to share it with our friends, not in KL… and for us that became addicted to it and feel regularly the urge to come back home… in your class! Corinne Schonns who joined from KL and also got her friend based in France to join us. The meditation has helped me so much, esp during this time as I handled new issues/cases at work arising from the MCO while being in isolation for more than 1 month now. I find my mind is sharper and there seem to be more ideas. Also, physically, I’ve had no pain nor headaches during my menses this round, like it wasn’t even there!
The Wheel pose had always been a problem although I like it. Day 4 session was amazing. I could push up almost properly from then. Thanks a lot for teaching us how to get into poses, it works..gradually. I am so relieved, love yoga even more now Yee Mei is based in Kuala Lumpur. Shilpa, I am enjoying the zoom version of the course. This is my 3rd or 4th time in a 21-day course, and I am still learning and making positive changes. On Monday, I was able to sit in the full lotus for the very first time! I enjoy hearing your voice. The frequent reminders become the voice in my head later in the day. One fantastic bonus of the online course—I don’t have to sit in traffic after class! Michele Byrom is based in KL.
Thank you so much for this last week of practice. I feel lighter in the body and mind. My big achievement so far has been getting rid of the inhibition I had doing the wheel pose. I just couldn’t get myself to lift my head off the mat earlier, maybe out of fear. Now I can freely let go and raise it to a certain level, though not completely there, but better than before. I love the scooping and releasing of all joints. I also love the Qi Qong movements and could go on and on with them much longer. Your entire practice helps in connecting within and you are truly divinity in motion!
Hetal, Kothari USA
Participated in Yogshakti’s Online Courses March 2020
Having done yoga with multiple teachers in the past, no one has incorporated the integrative yoga method that Yogshakti does. The explanations during online classes were easy to follow because they were explained slowly and in great detail. I have been on my spiritual journey for a while now. Integrative yoga looks at all aspects – emotional, mental and physical and spiritual needs, it has definitely brought it all together for me.

Rohaida Abdul Ghani
Participated in Yogshakti’s Online Courses March 2020
It is such a treat to be able to stream Yogshakti classes from wherever I am! Even though participants don’t interact in person, there is still a sense of connection that can be felt. Now, there is almost no barrier to showing up for the class! I feel well-supported through these online offerings – I enjoy a full view of Shilpa on video, clear and precise instructions on audio, Q&A support after the live session as well as on group chat!
Integrative yoga resonates on a deep and personal level for me. Through Yogshakti’s integrative yoga methods, I’ve uncovered a resource that helps me manage and overcome personal obstacles relating to my health, relationships and spirituality. Its ability to promote health and healing at the physical, emotional, AND spiritual levels all at the SAME TIME came as a welcome blessing for me. I understand today, that it is all about letting go and being comfortable with what is.

Puteri Azrin
Participated in Yogshakti’s Online Courses March 2020
Before joining Yogshakti’s online yoga course, I was unaware of the integrative yoga method – I now find this method fascinating! It has helped me realise that I was in much need to ground myself from my daily activities. Integrative yoga is full of subtle ways to get one grounded – which simply translates to the ability to let go of tension, integrate strength, steadiness, focus and presence while doing something.
I have been pleasantly surprised how certain yoga flows can get me to a sweaty state but in a soft, peaceful and mindful way. This approach to yoga uniquely offered by Yogshakti definitely resonates with me and I wish to explore it deeper and experience integrative yoga more in the future.

Gauri Jauhar
Graduate of Yogshakti’s Online + In-Person 200 Hours Course 2020
It was life-altering to meet Shilpa and Yogshakti’s Integrative Yoga that she has founded. I am forever grateful and feel blessed to meet Shilpa as she introduced me to the foundations of yoga with the key building blocks of breathwork, the understanding of ‘I am That’ and her passion to make a difference came through in every session. I feel I found a godmother in Shilpa, as long after I left KL the love and learning of those sessions reverberated through a decade. Over the next decade as I came back to India, I struggled to find ‘that’ in yoga which I was introduced to by Shilpa.. This journey that started in KL came back one full circle, when Shilpa introduced an online training facility. I had to get back and as it is said ‘the longest way around is the shortest way home’, I was ready to ‘come back home’ to where the yoga and ‘journey of breath and movement’ all started.
Shilpa has artfully designed and breathed life into Integrative Yoga through her 35+ years of experience in the healing and movement modalities of Hatha Yoga combining teachings of the Himalayan masters, Scaravelli’s Awakening of the Spine, Buteyko breathing & Pranayama, Metta meditation, and the mindfulness way of Thich Nhat Hanh, meditation in movement with Qi Gong and the idea of a cosmic inner dance in the body, a feat of nature. No words will not do full justice to what changed in the depths of my being due to Shilpa’s signature Integrative Yoga way and style of teaching in the finest humanistic traditions of Yoga, Meditation, and Movement. Come and feel the difference. You will find a ‘new you.’
Cynthia Fon
Graduate of Yogshakti’s Online + In-Person 200 Hours Course July 2020
Integrative Yoga 200 hours RYT offered by Yogshakti was the best “match-make” for me, as it encompasses Traditional Hatha Yoga, Taoist Yin Yoga, Qi Gong, and Mindfulness teachings, all of these were part of my life before I aspired to become a yoga teacher, it just made so much sense to me that all these are inter-related and can be integrated. The lessons satisfied the needs of both practice and theory, in which the theory helps to understand and support the practice. There were moments of insights and self-discovery, there were moments of bliss and joy, there were moments of emotional release and with it, tears. It was indeed an amazing journey of body and mind that I had been longing for. Laozi (6th century – 4th century BC), the founder of philosophical Taoism, quoted “before healing others, heal yourself”, the YTT course at Yogshakti was indeed a self-healing process that will now enable me to serve others.
Shilpa is a teacher who showers us with her compassion and wisdom in every lesson. She sincerely shared so much knowledge and techniques to help the students. I’m truly thankful for taking the course at Yogshakti. Not forgetting to mention that the centre is simply beautiful and serene, it’s the perfect place for yoga & mindfulness practice.

Aween Randeep Nagi
Graduate of Yogshakti’s Online + In-Person 200 Hours Course 2020
I would like to share my beautiful experience at Yogshakti for the past 10 days of Immersion. I have learnt so much from Shilpa that I do not know where to begin. Firstly, I never knew what Yoga meant before I came to Yogshakti. The way I was educated here is akin to the most essential lessons in the school of life. Even though I have not perfected my Asanas as yet in just 10 days however compared to day 1, I feel so much lighter, more flexible and I personally have encountered some health benefits. I have been an asthmatic all my life. But after the 5th day of Yoga at Yogshakti, I have not used my inhaler and I have started to breathe from my nose very comfortably as all this while I have been using my mouth to breathe. I am also a migraine patient and it’s incredible that I did not get a migraine attack. Seeing all this amazing results has made me more excited in exploring asanas and to practice them very diligently.
The way Shilpa explained everything so beautifully on the philosophy aspect has truly touched me from within. And the relation between Asanas and the philosophy of life. I never expected to find such a school where it has taught us to appreciate our own beings and to simply learn how to LIVE. Shilpa has taught me that virtues are what goes with us, that contributes to Samskara which then decides the destiny of our lives. I’m blown away with each day’s experience I had here. I’m so grateful to have met many other students with whom I have bonded over breakfasts and lunches (Thank you Marlene for preparing very delicious and healthy lunches). Waking up early and reaching there by 7.30 am has been a bliss!