Begin your transformational 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training
Let your teaching flow effortlessly by discovering a deep connection with your own essence through Yogshakti’s unique system of Integrative Yoga.
3rd to 27th October 2024
Yogshakti is an accredited 300 hours RYS (registered yoga school) with Yoga Alliance, USA. This course will qualify you as a 300 RYT and together with your 200 RYT qualify you as 500 RYT.

“The 300-hour teacher learns how to teach from a different space. Once they connect to their own essence, they become channels through which the timeless teaching flows”
Our 300 hours Integrative Yoga, Registered Yoga Teacher training (RYT) program will empower you to teach and practice a style of Yoga that is unique, holistic and transformational. Integrative Yoga is a “Philosophy in Form”, which harmonizes the body, mind, breath and emotions through its integration of Qi Gong, Scaravelli Inspired Spinal Yoga, Yin Yoga, Pranayama, Yogic Kriyas, Mindfulness, Meditation and Yoga Nidra/Deep Relaxation.
• Scaravelli Inspired Yoga teaches us how to move from the spine with fluidity ease and lightness. When one’s body is aligned with gravity, the breath naturally flows along the spine like a wave, awakening and elongating the spine.
• Yin Yoga teaches us how to surrender and yield to the vast intelligence within. It enhances flexibility, joint mobility and circulation of chi/life force around the body.
• Yogic Kriyas & Pranayama helps to cleanse, energize, enliven the body and bring clarity to the mind
• Mindfulness & Meditation empowers us to cultivate equanimity, mental clarity, emotional intelligence and the ability to relate to others and ourselves with kindness, acceptance and compassion.
• Yoga Nidra is the experience of a deep state of relaxation which is healing and restorative and in which one is freed of deep rooted tensions in the gross & subtle body
• Study of Chakras: An in-depth study of Chakras, unlocking the code into the subtle body; working on the anatomy and psychology of these energy vortexes through Asana, Pranayama, Meditation and Yoga Nidra
• Integrating the Buteyko Method into Yin Yoga
• Qi gong develops internal heat and concentration and helps to ground and center us.In Integrative yoga you are taught to move from inside out. When your practice comes from a place deep within you, you will experience a kind of bliss that permeates every cell of your body.
• Philosophy Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Advaita Vedanta
• Ayurveda and the Yogic Diet
The Course will deepen your understanding and give you confidence to lead students in:
• Scaravelli Inspired Spinal Eclectic Yoga
• Integrative Yoga Sequences
• Yin Yoga
• 8 Dynamic Spinal Movements
• Qi Gong as a dynamic meditation
• Yoga Nidra
• 4 foundations of Mindfulness
• Meditation
• Buteyko Breathing in Asana
• Pranayama, Bandhas, Mudras, Kriyas in Asana
• Practice of Self Enquiry & Study of Yoga Sutras
• A Yogic Diet based on Ayurveda
• Anatomy & Psychology of Chakras
You will learn:
• Hands-on adjustments
• Observe students & give verbal & tactile cues
• Posture Modifications
• Informed use of props to improve or modify postures
• Tailoring classes to beginners, pregnant women and special needs
Course Details
3rd to 22nd October 2024
8:30am to 2:30pm
(weekends: Sat & Sun: 8:00am to 2:00pm)
Session Breaks:
8th (Tuesday) & 14th (Monday) 2024
Breath Workshop
19th & 20th October 2024
1:00pm to 4:00pm
Chakra Course
5th to 18th November 2024
6:30am to 8:30am
26th & 27th October 2024
1:00pm to 4:00pm
Course Fees
Price for Full Course
Price: RM 13,500.00
Price for Part Time Course
Price: RM 10,950.00
Package includes weekends classes and lifetime online videos
Price Per Module
Price: RM 5,950.00
*Options for Payment by installments available.
Recommended books:
1)The Essence of Ashtavakra Gita – Ramesh Balsekar
2) Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – Swami Satchidananda
3) The Wheels of Life – Anodea Judith
4) Insight Yoga – Sarah Powers (those who have done the 200 hour course with us should have a copy of this)
5) The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga: The Philosophy and Practice of Yin Yoga – Bernie Clarke Can you please order these books before the start of the course.
The 300 hours (RYT) will be held over Two-150 hour modules
Course Prerequisites: To be eligible for 500 hours RYT Yoga Alliance certificate, one needs to have completed a RYT 200 hour’s course either at Yogshakti or any other Yoga School, which is registered with Yoga Alliance.
Teaching upon completion of the course:
Upon completion of the course, everyone will get ample opportunity to teach classes with their newly acquired tools affording the chance to refine their skills of delivering a well-prepared and meaningful class.
Part-Time Option: This course is divided into 2 modules. One is given 2 years to complete it doing either 1 or 2 modules at a time and be eligible for certification.
Online Option: If you have completed your 200 hour Teacher Training at Yogshakti the entire 300 hour course may be completed online.
Online Option for those who are new to Integrative Yoga: If you are new to Integrative Yoga we recommend you attend any one of the two 150 hour modules In-Person at Yogshakti. After this is completed you may complete the remaining 150 hours via our online videos available to you to study at the convenience of your home. Upon completion of this course you will be ready to go through the process of certification,
Module 1 – Course Content
Scaravelli Inspired Spinal Yoga is an integral part of Integrative Yoga. When combined with Qi Gong, it allows us to move from the inside, align ourselves with gravity, and experience fluidity & lightness in our movement. In this module, you will study Qi Gong practices and learn how to combine it with Scaravelli Inspired Yoga and Yin Yoga.
Integrative Yoga sequences are short 12 -20 min routines that integrate Qi Gong, Yin Yoga, Scaravelli Inspired Yoga, Pranayama, Kriyas, Bandhas, Mindfulness and Yoga Nidra to create a balanced, effective Yoga session that can lead the student into the state of Yoga. The essence of Pranayama and the Buteyko method of breathing less is the basis of the practice. At the heart of Integrative Yoga is, the philosophy of Non – Duality and the principles of Tao, which are brought to life in the Yoga classes through the experience of *wei wu wei.
* Wei-wu-wei – is an important concept in Taoism that literally means non-action or non-doing. In the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu explains that beings that are wholly in harmony with the Tao behave in a completely natural, uncontrived way.
You will learn how to create your own sequences in: • Hip Opening • Sun Salutations • Back bending • Core Strengthening • Inversions • Standing Flow & Standing Balances • Twists & Forward bends
Patanjali’s Sutra III: 29–– “Concentrated attention on the primordial navel center brings understanding of all bodily systems.”
Moving in Asana from our primordial navel center, also known as the Hara or Dantien, enables us to connect to our natural in dwelling presence. Qi Gong facilitates this connection most effectively. Through the integration of Qi Gong with Scaravelli Inspired Spinal Yoga, we find fluidity, ease, lightness and freedom in our movement, translating into moving meditation.
The Qi Gong is taught in the tradition of Master Yang Mian of Calligraphy yoga. Based on the principles of Tao, it helps us to find balance between doing and being, effort and effortlessness. Best described as ‘effortless effort’ or non-action action or, as it is called in Taoism, Wei-Wu-Wei, this is experienced as stillness in movement.
You will learn: • Qi Gong practices combined with Integrative Yoga Sequences • How to teach from Presence & lead students into Presence • Qi Gong that can be practiced on its own or combined with any Yin or Yang asana • The 8 Dynamic Spinal Movements based on the Yoga Synergy method of Simon Borg Olivier
An in-depth study of chakras, working with the subtle energy body and awakening and energising the chakras through mantra, visualisation and asana. You will discover how to build an asana practice with emphasis on chakras and lead students into practices that open and activate each chakra through postures, bioenergetic exercises, breathing practices, mantras, guided meditation, and yoga philosophy.
‘As tension is released and joints become free new deep muscles awaken, increasingly movement takes place in the spine rather than in the large superficial muscles that are accustomed to working.’ Vanda Scaravelli
We will skilfully guide you into asanas, particularly backbends so that they become a ‘dance of the spine’. Through Scaravelli Inspired Yoga you will learn how to cultivate a harmonious relationship with gravity, maintain joint freedom and stay spine centered. All the work in the postures comes back to awakening the spine. When the spine is alive and working then the natural intelligence of the body can awaken. In so doing, the body finds its own “natural blueprint’ and through this – joy, freedom & lightness.
This section of the course is centered around ‘the spine’ and ‘clarity’. It will be highly interactive and even theory sessions will be practical in equal measure. Participants will be expected to start adapting and (often creatively) their own interpretation of the principals according to their personal physical limitations and understanding instead of just regurgitating information. They will be guided and helped all the way to find their own wings of physical and mental understanding and gain confidence.
Main topics covered:
- Tensegrity, Power and Weightlessness
- Support Structure and Movement; Muscle bones, Nerves and Perception
- Head and tail relationship; Front spine ligaments etc
- Hands and Wrists and Feet and Ankles; Awakening and Discovering
- Dealing with injuries
- Repattern/Reprogram our Own Movements and Others
- The natural state finding true natural
Pranayama is the doorway to awakening sushumna/the central channel. Breathing less is the aim of all pranayama. We will cover a wide range of breathing practices from the fundamentals of diaphragmatic breathing to advanced pranayama that lead to sushumna awakening.
You will learn: • Pranayama, Bandhas, Mudras, Kriyas that can be integrated into Scaravelli Inspired Spinal Yoga • How to integrate the principles of the butyeko method into asana
Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep-state of consciousness between waking and sleeping) is an immensely healing & powerful yoga meditation technique instilling deep relaxation.
You will learn: • How to guide students into states of deep relaxation (long and short durations) • The fundamentals of systematic relaxation in the tradition of Swami Satyananada Saraswati and that of Swami Rama of the Himalayan tradition
This module will emphasize techniques in asanas through exploring and breaking down postures at depth, ranging from standing postures, backbends, forward bends, inversions and twists.
You will learn: • Vital tips • Verbal and tactile cues • How to provide modifications and adjustments to all levels (including beginners and pregnant women) • How to use props to improve & modify postures • How to observe • The benefits of each posture • The contraindications • How to lead students into a safe and effective practice to help build flexibility, balance and strength
Most importantly, you will be given the opportunity to practice teaching.
The philosophy of non-volitional living/ non-dualism brings about the cultivation of an attitude – a state of mind that is balanced under all circumstances. The ultimate aim of Yoga is the cultivation of stillness of mind, for it is through this that one ‘touches’ the true essence of Yoga. The emphasis is in drawing the mind back to its source through practices that involve the gross and subtle body, the breath and prana.
“What is Non-Volitional Living? Simply void your entire mind: this is to have unpolluted wisdom (pure non-objective in-seeing or prajna). Daily go out, stay at home, sit or sleep, but in every word you say be not attached to the things of purposeful activity. Then, whatever you say or wherever you look, all will be unpolluted (undefiled by objects and karma-free).” – Enlightened Sage Huang-po of the T’ang dynasty
That is spontaneous non-volitional living. This is the ultimate aim of Yoga.
In this module we will undertake the study of Self – Enquiry (WHO AM I? ) through the means of: • sravanna: listening to the teachings • manana: contemplating the teachings using the instrument of the mind • niddhidhyasana: meditating on and the experience of one’s true nature i.e. Yoga
We learn that Yoga is a philosophy & a way of life. The sutras lay the foundation for the asana practice and are the road map to self-realization. Through the study of the Sutras we are able to bring life to the practice so that through our dedicated practice we inspire our students to be skilled both – on the mat and off the mat.
You will: • Study the sutras and learn how to practically apply them in your classes
Module 2 – Course Content
We will cover various Yin sessions with the emphasis on Yin with Qi Gong, the science of Meridians, Pranayama and principles of Buteyko method, the four foundations of mindfulness, Scaravelli inspired spinal yoga, and Yoga Nidra. You will learn how to create your own yin sequences with varying themes; how to provide adjustments and modifications for beginners, pregnant women and students with special needs.
Yin Yoga presents the perfect opportunity to practice mindfulness through breath awareness. Yin by nature is about letting go and this includes releasing control on the breath. In deep help Yin postures, allowing your breath to find it’s natural rhythm can enable you to hold postures for longer.
You will learn how to: • Create Yin Sequences with specific themes • Modifications and adjustments using props • Integrate Qi Gong, Science of Meridians & Chakras with Yin • Integrate principles of pranayama and the Buteyko method with Yin • Lead students into Mindful Awareness based on the 4 foundations of mindfulness • Integrate Yin Yoga with Scaravelli Inspired Spinal Yoga
Yin Yoga provides us with the perfect opportunity to ‘rest’ and to ‘Be’. The breath and breath awareness, through pranayama, plays a powerful role in leading one into a state of meditative silence. Pranayama is the doorway to awakening the central channel. Breathing less is the aim of all pranayama. We will cover a wide range of pranayama practices that can be used to deepen a Yin session.
An in-depth study of chakras, working with the subtle energy body and awakening and energising the chakras through mantra, visualisation and asana. You will discover how to build an asana practice with emphasis on chakras and lead students into practices that open and activate each chakra through postures, bioenergetic exercises, breathing practices, mantras, guided meditation, and yoga philosophy.
In meditation, when the thinking mind ‘rests’, the ‘working mind’ awakens. This enables us to connect to our intuition. It is an inner knowing that is beyond the knowledge that we have accumulated from the outside and that is silent and free from all judgment, translating into awareness. We cultivate this state as we move in Integrative yoga. There is a quality of alertness, which accompanies a relaxed body. Presence permeates all action so that it is whole and not fragmented.
You will learn: • How to guide students into Meditation, both as a dynamic and seated practice • The preliminary practices leading to mediation
This module will consolidate and round up all the information that was covered from Module 1.
You will get practice in teaching with: • Vital tips • Verbal and tactile cues • How to provide modifications and adjustments to all levels (including beginners and pregnant women) • How to use props to improve & modify postures • How to observe • The benefits of each posture • The contraindications • How to lead students into a safe and effective practice to help build flexibility, balance and strength
The philosophy of non-volitional living/ non-dualism brings about the cultivation of an attitude – a state of mind that is balanced under all circumstances. The ultimate aim of Yoga is the cultivation of stillness of mind, for it is through this that one ‘touches’ the true essence of Yoga. The emphasis is in drawing the mind back to its source through practices that involve the gross and subtle body, the breath and prana.
“What is Non-Volitional Living? Simply void your entire mind: this is to have unpolluted wisdom (pure non-objective in-seeing or prajna). Daily go out, stay at home, sit or sleep, but in every word you say be not attached to the things of purposeful activity. Then, whatever you say or wherever you look, all will be unpolluted (undefiled by objects and karma-free).” – Enlightened Sage Huang-po of the T’ang dynasty
That is spontaneous non-volitional living. This is the ultimate aim of Yoga.
In this module we will undertake the study of Self – Enquiry (WHO AM I? ) through the means of: • sravanna: listening to the teachings • manana: contemplating the teachings using the instrument of the mind • niddhidhyasana: meditating on and the experience of one’s true nature i.e. Yoga
We learn that Yoga is a philosophy & a way of life. The sutras lay the foundation for the asana practice and are the road map to self-realization. Through the study of the Sutras we are able to bring life to the practice so that through our dedicated practice we inspire our students to be skilled both – on the mat and off the mat.
You will: • Study the sutras and learn how to practically apply them in your classes
Our diet is an indispensable part of a Yogic Lifestyle, one that is conducive to breath reduction and stilling the mind. You will learn how to cook wholesome vegetarian recipes that are nutritious, light and easy to digest. You will also learn about food combining, tonics to aid with ailments and gut health. The gut is the gateway to your body and not only significantly influences your physical health, but it has a major impact on your mental health. The stomach or gut is one of the key connections to your brain and emotional health and the health of your immune system.
You will learn how to cook vegetarian food that is satvic or pure in nature, light, easy to digest and nutritionally dense. Using natural, plant based, high fiber ingredients, spices, seeds, nuts, super grains and good fats these will be easy to prepare and delicious!
You will learn:
• Healing tonics to aid ailments & digestion
• Fermenting for probiotics
• Sprouting
• Learn how to cook Ayurveda based recipes

The Teacher
Shilpa Ghatalia
Shilpa Ghatalia has been a lifelong student of Yoga. In 1997 she became a certified yoga teacher in the Himalayan tradition at Swami Rama’s Institute of Yogic Sciences Honesdale, USA. In 1999 under the tutelage of Swami Veda Bharati she studied the subtleties of Yoga to include Raja Yoga Meditation & Yoga Nidra. From then on, she went on to study and train with the following teachers: Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in Mindfulness; Sri Ramesh Balsekar in Advaita Vedanta; Pranayama and Basics of Ayurveda with Dr Nagaraj in India; the Buteyko Method with Patrick Keown; Master teachers Paddy McGrath and Diane Long who initiated her into revolutionary practise of *Vanda Scaravelli; Yin Yoga with Sarah Powers; Calligraphy Yoga and Qi Gong with the Shaolin Master Zen Hua Yang; Yoga Synergy training with Simon Borg Olivier, Australia. Over the years she continued to study different styles of Hatha Yoga such as Iyengar, Anusara and Yin Yoga in her quest to find a system, which led to spontaneous meditation. This led her to creating a style of Hatha Yoga called Integrative Yoga which is the synthesis of the teachings of all of the above teachers and teachings imbibed over the period of 30 years.
Shilpa Ghatalia is the founder of which is a registered Yoga Alliance (USA) school licenced to provide 200 and 300 hour teacher training programs. She trains teachers both internationally & locally.
*Vanda Scaravelli: Author of the book Awakening the Spine
Begin your 300-hour journey in a lush sanctuary in the heart of Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.
Immerse yourself in the training while being surrounded by nature in a quiet and conducive environment in Yogshakti. We’re located centrally at Lorong Keruing, Bangsar with plenty of free parking spaces.
What our students say…
Louise Kristjansen
Completed in 300 Hrs Teacher Training Sep 2020
I have finally completed the second module of my Integrative Yoga journey. The focus on meditation and qi gong was lovely. I am now able to sit with ease for meditation, and I feel competent to guide my students into that state as well. The atmosphere at Yogshakti was lovely as usual. I feel this journey has showed me the way back home, taught me how to detach myself from the ego. The teachings and self-practice is my way to heal myself.
It feels so right and natural to share my practice with others, and I am sure that this path will continue. I really feel that we have learned so much from each other during the sharing sessions. Now that the course has ended, I will definitely miss my second home here at Yogshakti. I want to thank Shilpa for guiding me into the right direction on my yoga journey.
Completed in 300 Hrs Teacher Training Sep 2020
It was such a blessing to be taught by Shilpa on the yoga asana and the philosophy of Yoga. I feel that the alignment, postures, and the concept of tensegrity would stay with me for life. They are such a healing and safe practice for the joints and body. Also I truly believe the philosophy that was shared to me by Shilpa will help guide me in my life journey in times of challenges and difficulties. Shilpa has given me a shift of perspective in how I view my life, and that is truly priceless as I continue to navigate my life journey. Thank you Shilpa!
Michael Teh
Completed in 300 Hrs Teacher Training Sep 2020
It is with my most sincere and heartfelt gratitude, that I wish to thank Shilpa for the wonderful, insightful, and timeless teachings of Yogshakti’s Integrative Yoga. In a mere 9 months of learning from you, through the beautiful voice and comprehensive notes of the books, I have transformed in many ways, as though I am here to pick up thousands of years of wisdom, learnings, and remembrance of who I truly am.
Each time you shared the teachings and learnings from the scriptures, I would glue my ear to listen and I enjoyed the philosophy behind all the teachings. The integrative movements of yoga asana and qi gong are brilliant as it brings forth tremendous transformation of my own body, mind, and soul. I have experienced deep transformation to my body resulting in the lightness of the body and spontaneous meditation. Above all, it is the step-by-step fundamentals of each movement and asana that bring forth the clarity and effective teachings that I’d love to share with my students. Thank you with love and light.
Sabine Barth
Completed in 300 Hrs Teacher Training Sep 2020
Coming to the end of the 300-hour course is heart-warming and I feel immense gratitude for this experience, all the knowledge gained, Shilpa’s understanding and compassion, my family’s support and for the journey of healing, love and peace. The experience had filled me with courage, strength, confidence and joy to continue my practice in stepping back from conditioning and with equanimity, letting go as I return home to love.
I never imagined Yogshakti’s Integrative Yoga, through slow movement, breath awareness and profound philosophy would bring so much lightness, ease and healing to the self and to all those around me. This is a practice that truly transforms, awakens and inspires! Thank you Shilpa.
Soo San
Participated in 300 hours Integrative Yoga Teacher Training Sep 2020
Michael Teh
Participated in 300 hours Integrative Yoga Teacher Training Sep 2020
Participated in 300 hours Integrative Yoga Teacher Training Sep 2018
Maite Maignier
Participated in 300 hours Integrative Yoga Teacher Training Sep 2017
Asa Wallmark
Completed in 300 Hrs Teacher Training Sep 2020
We’ve had so many beautiful practices and tools that have been shared with us on this course. It is amazing how these tools have allowed me to come to that state of meditation where I detached myself from any thoughts. It is a fabulous feeling to return to that ‘home’ and be able to feel that inner peace within. The Chakras segment of this module has been an eye-opener, I have begun to become aware of certain emotions, feelings and belief systems that I never knew I had. From the first day when I stepped in to Yogshakti, the first practice, I understood that Yoga is not just a physical practice but it is so much more that that – to me, it is about taking care of myself from the inside out. Thank you!
Zhenya Bell
Completed in 300 Hrs Teacher Training 25th Sep 2018
The 300 hours Teachers Training at Yogshakti Life was a challenging, intense, transformative, and rewarding experience. Shilpa’s passion to dive deeper into yogic philosophy, different yogic schools, and practices, to extract the most relevant elements from them, and to combine them into a unique program is extremely inspirational. Shilpa’s approach to teaching is professional, focused, and inclusive, she accepts each and everyone as equal, she teaches from her heart with love and compassion. Shilpa’s philosophy of “Listening to your inner teacher” led me to better self-understanding and enhance my personal practice and my teaching. The 300 hours Teachers Training curriculum was well thought out, a beautiful blend of physical practice, breathing, meditation, Ayurvedic lifestyle, yoga philosophy, and contemporary scientific research. The training expanded my knowledge about Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and my understanding of how the ancient yogic wisdom is relevant and applicable in our contemporary life.
This course had a profound effect on me not only as a teacher but as a human being. I am ever grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the first 300 hours Yogshakti Life teachers training program, to learn Yoga and Yoga philosophy with Shilpa and with that very special group of yogis. I highly recommend 300 hours Yogshakti Life Teachers Training program to everyone who would like to acquire a better understanding of Yoga and Yoga Philosophy or for those who would like to take the path toward personal transformation and development. Yogshakti Teacher Training has been one of the most profound experiences of my life. I have done plenty of courses on the mind, body, and spirit before but they have just kept me more solidly up in my head, my ego, so that when I left the course I was fearful that I would forget what I learned. This teacher training is the only course that I have experienced where the learning comes through my body. I am not learning anything new, I am just remembering what is inside me, and doing so, it is impossible to forget. My connection to my Hara will change my life forever. Thank you.
Maria Robinson
Completed in 300 Hrs Teacher Training 20th Oct 2018
If you are looking to advance your knowledge of yoga, deepen the methodology behind it, and really have an understanding of its philosophy and meaning then you need to look no further. Here you will be guided and inspired by the course’s founder Shilpa Ghatalia will teach and assist you with deep love and care. She brings a lifetime of knowledge to this course by creating a unique way of sequencing the asana practices and then blending them into the meditation and philosophy of non-dualism. She has called her yoga style ‘Integrative Yoga’ and the name is extremely apt, for you will learn not just classical Hatha but several full and rounded combinations and sequences to include Yin yoga, Qi Gong, and Scaravelli techniques (the latter put together in a fun and inspiring light-hearted way by Paddy Mcgrath who assists in the first module). For me, the highlight was the meditation and mindfulness practices which were done together in the early morning and our fascinating philosophy chats in the late afternoons.
Shilpa truly embodies and lives what she preaches and teaches and her life for all her students is so genuine. Her teaching always seems as though it’s personal to you! You will also learn about your body and how to live in a healthier manner, you will learn about the ancient science of Ayurveda and under the guise of her amazing cook, Marlene, you will learn how to cook wonderful meals and food combinations to strengthen your body. This course is truly holistic and conducted in a beautiful space set amongst greenery and dappled sunlight. The studio is light and spacious and offers accommodation if needed subject to availability. Your course will also cover some functional anatomy made relevant to common injuries that you might come across in class as a Yoga Instructor. This is a course therefore for those who have already taken a step along their yogic path with a 200 hour but who wish to develop themselves further as teachers. I left this course with far more teaching tools than I had when I started and I felt really empowered as a teacher. I know that I can offer so much more to my own students in the future thanks to this course and this is what every yoga teacher needs when advancing their practice. I enjoyed every minute and would love to do it all over again!
Carolina peters
Participated in 300 hour Integrative Yoga Teacher Training Sep 2019
Crystal Yee
Participated in 300 hour Integrative Yoga Teacher Training Sep 2019
Michelle Wong
Participated in 300 hour Integrative Yoga Teacher Training Sep 2019
Petra Bilnikova
Participated in 300 hour Integrative Yoga Teacher Training Sep 2019
Beatrice Ankel
Participated in 300 hour Integrative Yoga Teacher Training Sep 2019
Kari Fike
Participated in 300 hour Integrative Yoga Teacher Training Sep 2018
The essence of yoga is meditation, but this is often the missing factor. Yogshakti’s Integrative Yoga combines all the elements of asana, pranayama, mindfulness, meditation, qi gong, and yoga Nidra, these then become channels for experiencing meditation.
Apply to Yogshakti’s 300-hour RYT and transform your teaching and life
Discover the connection with your higher self and begin teaching from a source of deep conviction